On a Roll

Late last summer, I entered a story into another competition sponsored by the international competition group Globe Soup. As with previous contests, this was a 7-Day Story Writing Challenge in which each participant was given a theme and randomly assigned one of twelve genres:

Western, Paranormal, Thriller, Magical Realism, Chick-Lit, Historical, Horror, Dystopian, Crime, Romance, Science Fiction or Fantasy.

In this contest, I was assigned the FANTASY genre. The theme was “Knowledge is Power.” We were then given 7-days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words.

As before, this was my first try at writing a story in my assigned genre.

Well, the winners were announced last week and, although I STILL did not win the £500 First Prize, my short story A Wizard’s Journey was given HONOURABLE * MENTION as Runner-Up in the FANTASY genre category!   

I am in the process of polishing this story for possible commercial publication, so I don’t want to post it here on my website (many magazines consider that to be “published” and so won’t consider it), but if you would like to read it, give me a shout and I will send you a copy.

* Love the Brits!